🎯Auto Sniper

BTCBot's Auto Sniper feature will monitor all BRC20 tokens on the Bitcoin in real-time and automatically snipe BRC20 tokens that meet your configured criteria, ensuring you always stay ahead in the minting game.

You can follow these steps to configure BTCBot's strategy for automatically sniping BRC20 tokens.

  • Configure Your Preferences: Adjust parameters to set your criteria for minting BRC20 tokens.

    • Repeat Mints: Decide on the number of tokens to mint when finding eligible tokens.

    • Max Gas Price: Specify the maximum gas price you're willing to pay for a snipe, especially important during sudden gas price spikes.

    • Filters: For any BRC20 tokens open for minting, you can set additional filtering criteria, such as minimum number of holders, minimum progress, and minimum number of transactions. BTCBot will only mint BRC20 tokens that meet these criteria for you.

  • Activate Auto Sniper: Press the "Auto Sniper" button again to turn it green, indicating the feature is now active. The bot will automatically mint new BRC20 tokens that match your set criteria.

Last updated