🎯Auto Sniper

BTCBot's Auto Sniper feature will monitor all Rune tokens on the Bitcoin in real-time and automatically snipe Rune tokens that meet your configured criteria, ensuring you always stay ahead in the minting game.

You can follow these steps to configure BTCBot's strategy for automatically sniping Rune tokens.

  • Configure Your Preferences: Adjust parameters to set your criteria for minting Rune tokens.

    • Whitelist Tokens: For tokens not yet open for minting, you can add them to your sniper's whitelist. Once minting opens, BTCBot will automatically mint these Rune tokens for you at the earliest opportunity.

      • Token Name: The name of the Rune you wish to mint as soon as its minting opens.

      • Repeat Mints: Decide on the number of the Rune to mint when its minting opens.

    • Max Gas Price: Configure Max Gas Price. Auto Sniper only automatically sends Mint transactions when the current network average Gas Price is within the Max Gas Price.

  • Activate Auto Sniper: Press the "Rune Sniper" button again to turn it green, indicating the feature is now active. The bot will automatically mint new Rune tokens that match your set criteria.

Examples 1

If you add UNCOMMON·GOODS to the whitelist before the Bitcoin halving block (height 840,000), set it to auto-mint 10 times, and set the maximum Gas price to 1000 sat/vB, then BTCBot will start from Bitcoin block height 840,000. As long as the current Gas Price is not higher than 1000 sat/vB, it will automatically mint UNCOMMON·GOODS until 10 repeat mints are finished or until its minting is completed.

Example 2

If UNCOMMON·GOODS has already opened for minting, but you wish to control costs by minting only when the Gas Price is within 500sat/vB, you can also add UNCOMMON·GOODS to your sniper. When the Gas Price falls to within 500 sat/vB, it will automatically mint the specified number of times.


During the sniping period, if your balance is insufficient, BTCBot will notify you. If you top up your balance, then the sniper will continue to work. If you still haven't topped up your balance after receiving 10 insufficient balance notifications, your sniper will be automatically closed. You will need to manually reactivate it after topping up your balance.

Last updated