πŸͺ™$BPIX Token

What is $BPIX?

  • Standard: A BRC20 token.

  • Total Supply: 21,000,000 tokens.

  • Origin: Minted from the game BTCPixelWar on the Bitcoin blockchain.

  • Role in BTCBot Ecosystem: Serves as the governance token.

What are the benefits of holding BPIX?

Holders of 200 or more BPIX tokens enjoy several privileges:

  • Revenue Sharing: Eligibility for a share in certain revenues.

  • Exclusive Access: Entry to a private Telegram channel for holders.

  • Voting Rights: Ability to vote on various proposals within the BTCBot ecosystem.

What is BTCPixelWar?

BTCPixelWar is the first fully on-chain game on the Bitcoin blockchain. It's the source game from which $BPIX tokens are minted.

Last updated